"These Results Are Deeply Shocking!"
It’s a proven and well known fact that only 5% of the people who try to make money online are successful. That means 95% of all Internet marketers fail to make money online...
That’s a staggering number. 95% of those people fail. And most fail because they haven't got the right program. If that's your problem, here's the solution...
“The Web’s First Ever Breakthrough Software That Uncovers More Than A Billion Red-Hot Buyer Keywords In 50,000 Money-Making Niches”
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Remember we are now entering the BIGGEST "buying season" of the year... and you CAN cash-in on that when you use Buyer Keywords Generator.
Here is my take on... Buyer Keywords Generator
That's it for the time being. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!
Sam D. Mann
Now then, here's a good post for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...
Useful Article Marketing Tips To Get You Started Marketing Your Website
Whether you have just started up the website in the hopes of making money from it in the longer term, or you have had a website for quite some time, but the amount of visitors you are getting on a daily basis is remaining somewhat stagnant, you are probably in need of article marketing tips.
Article marketing is something that everyone should get into. It is one of the most popular and effective forms of advertising your website. What's more, it is completely free to get started, although there are paid services which may yield better results.
As you probably already know, search engine optimisation is a big job indeed. It is something that is constantly done throughout the lifespan of your home business. Marketing the website to begin with is obviously far harder as you try to learn the ropes and achieve a decent number of visitors to your site so the you can start selling advertising space or making more direct sales to affiliate programs.
Search engine optimisation relies on having lots of links to your website and as the more links you have to your website, the more your search engine PR will increase, that is clearly exactly what you want to achieve. The articles you write obviously include a link to your website, so that is what makes them powerful as a form of marketing.
The articles you write should obviously be completely relevant to the content of the site which you are advertising. The article should not be rushed and they should offer some useful information.
You don't need to give away too much in article marketing, since there could defeat the purpose. You have a simple goal. This goal is for people to click the link in a resource box at the bottom of your article. This resource box should be carefully edited and then it will be automatically attached to any article that you write to market your website.
The amount of articles that you should write is entirely up to you. Since you can never have too many, you should aim to write as many as you feel comfortable with doing. Say for example spend an hour a day five days a week writing articles, you should be able to complete a dozen a week with no problem.
To get started in article marketing, you only need to write about a dozen articles are weak but this is a very general. You can never published to many, so do what you simply feel comfortable with and you have enough time for.
About the Author:
Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools
Nothing beats being ready to:
1. Identify profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites primarily based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and all the other search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.
Each of the steps listed above is vitally significant to doing well online and can ultimately determine how much cash you can generate. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms must be the starting point of your business.
Know this: People that misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up pissed off and not earning any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points ends up in the down fall of many would-be successful Internet marketers.
Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic to this market?
Could this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?
SEO Tip Of The Day.
If you plan on having a large website with many pages you should also consider building a site map for your visitors. (in this case, it should in html format)
My thoughts for today...
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant" - Robert Louis Stevenson
Another great web page for you to check out and read some great articles on...
Internet Marketing Marketing Strategies Tips And Tools
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