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Saturday, 6 February 2010

If You Want Targeted Traffic - FREE... It's All Here

After all the struggles, your web page in now up there for every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary to see. And you have a brilliant package on offer You forked out serious money for the development of the sales page and it shows! You personally checked all the links and you looked at it on every browser... and it all functions like magic. How long has the site been up and you have yet to make a sale? Have you asked yourself why? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that, as good as your web page is, nobody knows that it is there.

What to do?

You must get traffic to your website...by that I mean, you must get online visitors beating a path to your web page. Rabid buyers with credit cards at the ready must visit your website before they will ever be able to to buy from you.

There are several effective forms of traffic generation, but each of them has to be handled in the right way if they are to be profitable.

One good quality traffic source will be that of referred traffic. Referred traffic includes readers that are referred by another site, or from a sales letter you may have sent them. It also includes visitors generated after seeing an article you may have posted online. These are the most highly qualified leads, presuming the source of the referral precisely outlined the description of your site.

Right behind said targeted sources of traffic, are scores of sources where untargeted traffic can be found. These embrace exit traffic, pop-up or pop-under traffic, and redirected traffic. Without going into particulars on the assorted sources of these methods of traffic, you'll understand when I say this is generally speaking global unrelated traffic. Please note, it is generally speaking both low-cost and is linked with a very low response rate. Unconnected sources of traffic are generally better managed by incorporating a "landing page" which could possibly develop some kind of intriguing awareness in you, or your product, or web site. This Landing Page then directs your visitors to click thru to your web page.

Having (ranted on about targeted traffic|said all of that|probably bored you to death about targeted traffic}, I have a secret tactic waitng for you. It is FREE, and you can get it here...

The author of this article? Highlight and copy the following {include the quotation marks) "Sam D. Mann" Do a Google search. Click on the #1 result and you'll find your FREE Targeted Traffic System waiting for you.

Click here to get Web Traffic Flow

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